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Polly and her husband had planned to homeschool their children before they even had children. She had 2 children 3 years apart, and she realized how hard it was to parent 2 small ones, much less homeschool them. So she had her oldest child go to Catholic school for Pre-School. Some changes in the school caused them to make the change the following year. So she began homeschooling with a 1st grader, and almost Pre-schooler and by then she also had a newborn baby. Polly says they have never looked back once they started!
- Why Polly thinks a relaxed schedule is perfect for her family
- What lengths Polly went to in order to keep the curriculum from being rigid and controlling their lives.
- Ways Polly keeps her finger on maintaining balance in their lives
- The difference morning prayers make for her family
- Polly sometimes experiments with schedule changes and different plans to see the impact on her family
- The extra-curricular activites her children are involved in to maintain social relationships
- The Homes school co-op that Polly is a member of
- How Polly supports her faith during homeschooling activities
- When they use the St. Michael prayer and how it has become a habit
- What Polly does for self-care
- Why Polly is grateful to be homeschooling
- How Polly prepares her children’s hearts for Christmas and having the correct focus
Recommended Reading:
The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis
10 Ways to Destroy the Imagination of your Child by Anthony Esolen
The Year and Our Children by Mary Reed Newline
Unbound: A Practical Guide to Deliverance from Evil Spirits by Neal Lazano
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