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Welcome! My guest today is Gina, who blogs at SomedaySaints.com. Gina’s family does a mixture of homeschooling for her daughters, 4th and 6th grades, and classical charter school for the boys. She and her husband considered homeschooling even before they got married. They began when their oldest was in 1st grade and have continued. They have lived in CA and now live in CO. They have tried other schooling options but have not been satisfied.
Gina shares the following about her family:
- Her girls do most of their schoolwork in the mornings, but usually have some to finish in the afternoons.
- Because their family is expecting a new baby this fall, Gina began their school year in July so they could have some flexibility in their schedule when the baby is born. She plans to take a couple of weeks off to allow everyone to adjust.
- Gina’s biggest challenge is trying to homeschool while having a toddler in tow—and soon a newborn to add to the mix!
- Gina’s advice to other homeschooling moms is to take it year by year. “You don’t have to stick to the same old routine every year.”
- Her motivation to keep going is the delight she sees in her children when they are learning.
- Gina takes the attitude of learning from the mistakes she has made.
- She also discusses their extracurricular activities, their family devotions, and the books she is currently reading.
- Gina’s self-care routine includes waking up early to have some quiet devotion time before the children awake. It gives a sense of calm and a sense of control over the day. She also enjoys quilting and working out to stay fit.
- Check out Gina’s blog and find her on Facebook and Instagram!